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Incident Reporting

How effective is your Company’s Incident Reporting and Investigation? Is this process even valued or encouraged, or does your management simply want to eliminate all incidents where possible? On those occasions when you do put a report together, is it usually time consuming and laborious.

At Locstatt we understand the value of Incidents as “learning opportunities”

The paradigm shift from Incident problems to Incident learning is a vital first step to cultivate a Company Philosophy of active reporting.

Once you’ve discovered the power your Company can gain from active reporting and learning opportunities you are going to need the right tool for the job. A tool that has the ability to gather vital field data in a quick and efficient manner without impeding your other daily tasks.

Incident Reporting

More importantly a tool that follows a clear and predictable format gathering the information…something simple;

  • First open the Workstation Mobile App.
  • Second add description lines and photos.
  • Include Risk Level, Incident Type & Type of Work.
  • Next hit ‘Save’.
  • Instant email notification is sent to User Access personnel.
  • And Corrective Action commences.

What could be simpler than that?

Distinctive Characteristics include:

Incident Reporting

1. Customizable Types

Ability to define your Company’s own Incident Type, Work Type, Broad Type Incidents and Document Type.

Incident Reporting

2. Root Cause Categories

Specify your Company’s Root cause categories and contributing factors determined via common descriptions.

Incident Reporting

3. Manage Corrective Actions

Instantly assign Corrective Actions based on your Root Cause categories.

Incident Reporting

4. Automatic Email Notifications

Automatically notify select upper management personnel with User Access via email.

5. Safety Flash Alerts & Incidents Cost

Link Safety Flash Alerts and manage Incidents Cost or Recordable/ Injured Cases with all required documentation. Add or export PDF and Excel files where applicable.

Incident Reporting

6. Property Damage Management

Automatically notify select upper management personnel with User Access via email.

Incident Reporting

7. Incident reports

The Incident Report and all associated incident reporting, dashboards, graphs and analysis is aggregated and automatically compressed; available via the Company Performance Overview. The ability to capture a simple Company wide snapshot is vital for making proactive informed decisions.

Incident Reporting

8. Injury Information

Trending analysis available for recorded and injury information where applicable.

9. Annual Overviews

The CPO Report shows annual overviews to see all the incident cases grouped by Incident types and months.

10. Man Hours & OSHA TRI

Aggregate and view your Company Compressed Data to show Man Hours per Facility, to compare with OSHA TRI on an annual or monthly basis.
