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Facility Logbook

Do you know which facility or worksite your employees or contractors are located on at all times?

How are you managing your required training compliances throughout your entire operation?

How do you know that the monthly invoice you’ve just received with your Contractor’s manhours is accurate?

What advantages can your company obtain by using this time tested application? How does this Module work?

Facility Logbook

Your Supervisor/Manager can simply open the Logbook app for any facility, any site or any location. Just select the corresponding integrated Gate Check function anywhere across the USA and beyond. Then view the movement of personnel at these sites in real time – every day, every hour, every minute.

The Logbook will show a GO – STOP warning against an employees level of training compliance for any site or facility.

Facility Logbook

As Training Records are updated the Facility logbook will immediately reflect the new status of employees. On top of that Training Equivalences are validated and substituted for employees expired records when needed.

Keeping up with, often 15+, training requirements for various worksites is not an easy task. So thank goodness the Logbook gives you a fully comprehensive view of your company’s overall training compliance.

Facility Logbook

Combine all this with the ability to drill down through the charts and reports. View % of training compliance, % of employees with expired, not taken or almost expired courses.

Facility Logbook

When one of your facilities has an incident you may need to send in a specialized team that same day. How long does it take you to determine who has the required current training to do the job, and also enter that site?

Simply open your Logbook app, select the facility, then cross reference training required with your employees. You will instantly see which employees are Green to Go, up to date and ready to be deployed.

Facility Logbook

What about tracking those Contractor man hours to cross check that monthly invoice? Or even to keep an eye on your own employee man hours? Well the ability of the Logbook to deliver accurate live information to your inbox means very little goes unrecorded.

On top of that, the ability to export to PDF/Excel streamlines remedial action notification to supervisors. Obviously these timely notifications allow for the tracking of leading rather than lagging indicators.

This is vital information in order to manage the situation in a calm & timely manner. Plus the mere fact that you know you have this knowledge sitting in your back pocket, accessible anytime, anywhere with a few simple clicks, certainly reduces that stress level.

Lastly, as with our entire suite of Applications there is no stranded technology. Link the Facility Logbook with our Classroom App to process and track all of your In-House training and orientations.

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