The post training component allows instructors or supervisors to save training records from prior weeks, months or even years.
This feature is available via the Workstation App on iOS & Android Devices, of via the Web component at
Post Training
Distinctive Characteristics:
- Supervisors can select courses from the main library to save training records for any employee in the company.
- Each Employee added to the training can be saved using either the expiration or course taken date.
- All post training records are auto saved in real-time and are immediately available within the Locstatt Training Reports.
CSV or Excel files
CSV or Excel files, sent in a specific format, are used to help your company track 3rd party training records.
Distinctive Characteristics:
- Firstly, decide how often you require the CSV file to auto-sync via email to our Help & Support. This can be done manually via email, or automatically via your IT department set-up.
- Once received, your 3rd party records will be saved in the system ready for review by personnel with User access within the Locstatt Training Reports.
Application Programming Interface (API)

Most companies use multiple training providers. Locstatt offers the opportunity to integrate these training records via an Application Programming Interface or API.
Distinctive Characteristics:
- Multiple APIs have the benefit of aggregating ALL your company training records in one place: LOCSTATT.
- The Training records are available in all areas of the system that need to validate training records, for example, in the Facility Logbook.