Locstatt has the tools, via our Training Classroom App to launch, deliver, and track, Job Specific and In-House Training.
To Launch, send us a list of your instructors plus your current PowerPoint, PDF, Word document or videos. We will convert and upload them.
The Training Classroom App has three essential elements that work independently from one another, or for more complex training, as a combined unit.

Desktop App
First, the Desktop App allows Instructors to log in from a Windows computer. This type of training is taken on or offline and is perfect for local classroom delivery on a wide screen monitor.

Desktop App + Mobile App
Second, combine the Desktop with Mobile App for a group of students to take tests in real-time. This type of training requires internet connection so the Instructor and student can join the class. Students answer questions on their mobile phones connected to wi-fi. This in turn allows the instructor to track their answers in real-time, and confirms transfer of knowledge is complete.

Web App
Individual Classroom Training via the Web Application gives students the option to take training courses, or cover topics, in their own time.

Mobile App
The Mobile App, just like the Web App allows Students to complete individual training in their own time. Tests are taken using either a mobile phone or tablet.

Desktop App + WEB App
Train individuals or student groups via Virtual Classes using the combined Desktop & Web App. This Virtual Stream is viewed by students in remote classes from any location. Instructors plug into the same channel to share the content and audio in real-time from each chosen facility.

Desktop App + WEB App + Mobile App
The combination of Desktop, Web, and Mobile App delivers the most advanced training option possible. Train Individuals, or student groups in real-time with Virtual Classes at different facilities and combine this with tests using the Classroom Mobile App on a mobile phone or tablet.
The combined Locstatt Classroom option offers an approximate saving of around 70% on traditional third-party training providers. Plus there is no extra cost to convert, upload your content, and train your instructors on how to get started.
On completion of training, all records are automatically Recorded and Tracked back to the Locstatt reports, dashboards, and the Facility Logbook component.