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Training Delivery & Classroom

Need Training Solutions? Locstatt offers 8 unique scenarios to not only track your 3rd party training, but to also let you turn any meeting, of any type, into a training opportunity, and track it.

Training Management

Imagine having the option to deliver all your in-house training in an efficient and cost-effective manner, in any industrial space, at the coalface, a spare office, a pre-job discussion, or HSE meeting etc

And imagine having the ability to launch this at any moment, often unplanned, such as at any worksite meeting or interface of any type that involves just a couple of employees or group of 50.

Something that promotes any HSE Meeting or meeting of any type as a Training, Feedback, Action Item, and Reporting Opportunity all rolled into one.

This is now achievable with our 8 Training scenarios:

1. Online Training

This is designed to help employees perform online training in their own time. Training is taken using the classroom mobile app or on the website,


Training Management

2. Instructor Led Training

This is designed to help instructors train a group of on-site employees. The training content is viewed via monitor or TV connected to a laptop at any convenient location.


3. Quick Classes

A Quick Class is designed to help instructors or supervisors train any group of employees, anywhere, anytime, on any subject using a mobile device (cell phone or tablet) or simply on paper when devices are prohibited.


Locstatt Training Solutions
Locstatt Training Solutions

4. HSE Meetings PRO

This is designed to help instructors or supervisors create Safety Meetings with training topics and documents that are scheduled in advance for daily, weekly or monthly attendance.


Locstatt Training Solutions
Locstatt Training Solutions

5. Post Training

The post training component allows instructors or supervisors to save training records from prior weeks, months or even years.


Locstatt Training Solutions
Locstatt Training Solutions
Training Solutions

6. CSV Files & API Integrations

Most companies use multiple training providers. Locstatt offers the  opportunity to integrate these training records via an Application Programming Interface  or API (assuming your 3rd party provider supports this feature).

CSV or Excel files, sent in a specific format, are used to help your company track 3rd party training records. Our help & support department can receive and implement large lists of training records via email. This training is then available for review within your Locstatt Reports section.e.

7. Records Loaded Manually

Locstatt Training Solutions

Even though most companies upload their training directly via the multiple options available within the system, sometimes a client has a paper record that needs to be uploaded manually. On these rare occasions, you can scan and email the paper copy to our Help & Support Team to be dealt with as appropriate. The turn-around time for manually loaded training records will depend on the number and format received.

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