The Locstatt Weekly Summary Report is a perfect snapshot of what happened in your Company last week.
Arriving automatically every Monday morning to your email inbox, the report covers item such as:

Audits & Inspections
- Top Findings of the week
- Corrective Actions Pending to be closed
- Charts of Vehicle & Equipment Inspections by Facility and Locations
- Charts with Audits by Shifts

BBS Observations
- Top Findings By unsafe Acts and Conditions -Showing the Implicated Categories and Subcategories.
- BBS Observations By Facility and Locations

Incident Reporting
- Incident details of all the cases with High and Medium Risk
- List of Recordable/injury Cases still open.
- Corrective Actions pending to be closed
- Charts of incidents by Risk
- Open Cases By facility

Hazard Hunts
- Details of Hazard Hunts cases with High Risk
- Charts of Hazard Hunts by Facility

HSE/Safety Meetings
- Charts/Tables of Safety Meeting Types grouped by Facility.
- Charts of HSE Meeting participation per Meeting Type.

- Count of Training records updated per course
- List of employees who have taken training grouped by course. No matter how the employees took the training (Quick classes, online, etc) they will appear in the summary

Non Conformance Reports
- List with Details of the NCRs created in the week.
- Lessons Learned by Rating (Good, Average, Poor)