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Historical Timeline

The Locstatt health, safety, security and environmental application designs have withstood the test of time. There are specific sound reasons why the entire system from development engineering to mobile workstations to helpdesk support and finally web compression reporting, functions the way it does.

The system was designed by experienced safety personnel from the coalface backwards with powerful software development support, not the other way around.
It is intuitive with very little training required which is a significant cost saving.

Sept 1, 1987

Oil & Gas safety data management challenge identified

July 6, 1988

Piper Alpha Disaster North Sea

Cullen Inquiry set up in November 1988 to establish the cause of the disaster. The final report made recommendations regarding the operating equipment, personnel, facility design and emergency services. The net result was the adoption of new regulations that were to make sweeping changes to safety management expectations for both Owners and Contractors. At this time the key personnel that later formed the current Locstatt management team, were extremely active in the redesign and implementation of the new safety management systems industry wide.

Sept 30, 1988

Before the introduction of the World Wide Web!!

Clearly there was a need to develop a data management system to assist companies in the implementation of these new and enhance safety management systems. HOWEVER, there were notable hurdles to resolving this issue at the time which centered on the lack of suitable technology. Remember these were the days before the introduction of the World Wide Web!!

May 23, 1995

Design incident & Remedial tracking

July 28, 1997

BBS Observations/ POB Tracking

Design expanded to include BBS and emergency response POB tracking

April 14, 1999

Audits & Training Tracking

Design expanded to include audit and training tracking

Feb 19, 2001


Design database change for performance enhancement

Aug 4, 2003

Job Safety Analysis

Design expanded to include ISPS security risk assessment and JSA’s

Feb 11, 2004

Remedial Action Plan

Design of common remedial action tracking

April 7, 2006

Web Development

Development team established with new Flex 2.0 and Air interface for windows mobile devices

March 6, 2007

Managing Multiple companies in one Facility.

Incorporation of expanded database to facilitate monitoring of multiple companies working on a single facility.

Aug 26, 2008


1. Locstatt LLC officially incorporated in the State of Nevada 26th August 2008
2. Design expanded to include registration of passengers on flights (offshore) and the facility logbook (onshore).
3. Design expanded to include induction services

Oct 20, 2008

Design Branding to Locstatt

Design enhancement of a wide variety of company customization such as projects, facilities, locations, departments, job positions, required training and detailed reporting.

Aug 17, 2009

Lessons Learned

Design expanded to include lessons learned, non-conformance reporting and performance enhancement linked to the Incident Module, enabling clients to operate from Leading Indicators; automatically assign a root cause from the NCR; instantly analyze live compressed data to activate a Remedial Action Plan, and have both modules integrated with the Company Performance Overview.

March 14, 2011

Locstatt Help & Support Department

Introduction of our World Class Help & Support centre for continual support and full ongoing Training where needed, plus help to trouble shoot technical issues, run performance reports, and aid in the maintenance, with checks & balances of your safety data via carefully run diagnostic reports. They are an integral part of helping your Company develop and grow within the Locstatt Family providing enhanced support for your site personnel.

June 5, 2012


Locstatt major upgrade to version 2.0

Oct 10, 2012

Workstation Windows app

Introduction of intrinsically safe on-site workstations. The Mobile Workstations, available in Windows, iOS, and Android are simple and easy to use. They are also intuitive which eliminates the need for costly initial and ongoing training. One of the key factors here is having intrinsically safe devices or touchscreen monitors in the field, hence the new Workstation Windows App.

March 17, 2014

CPE Report

Design expanded to include Contractor Performance Evaluation process for Owners

June 1, 2015


Locstatt major upgrade to version 3.0 Html 5.

Sept 14, 2015

Workstation 1.0

Workstation iOS, Android and Windows.

May 23, 2016

CPO Report

Design expanded to include Company Performance Overview dashboards

April 18, 2017

Vehicle Inspections Tracking

Locstatt’s Audit and Inspection Application has always set the industry standard for company customization, simplicity of use on the worksite, and powerful reporting and data compression for proactive safety management. This program now has a new vehicle management system application to handle company specific plate numbers for detailed reporting, dashboards and maintenance tracking.

March 5, 2018

Set Goals/ What is your Locstatt?

Establishing expectations or goals for each of your Locstatt safety elements can have a measureable impact on the safety program and on the company as a whole. Once the goals are set you will be able to see live progress on the desired outcomes for each element.

June 10, 2019


Major upgrade of Classroom application to include virtual training platform with mobile student interface for content and testing. Design expanded to include Goal setting and performance dashboards

April 13, 2020

Electronic Signatures using Mobile Devices

Finally all employees can now save their signature ‘one time’ in the system and automatically link it to any applicable task. This means, for instance, that once an Audit or Inspection is created you just need to add the final comments before finishing, and your signature will be automatically applied. Similarly this feature will help speed up and streamline all HSE Meetings.

May 19, 2021

Integration of Application Programming Interface (API)

Recognising the need to streamline 3rd party data (like Training) & compress that data intelligently, into your Company Performance Overview, Locstatt initiated its API integration module. APIs save time & money, and have become mission-critical for all companies aiming to be ‘best-in-class’.

June 24, 2021

Training Certificates in Locstatt

Finally added the much sort-after feature – storage of Training Certificates. With the ability to upload in multiple formats, and then search and retrieve these records by Date, Course, Facility or Employee name, this new feature has become a ‘must have’ for all fast-paced companies with little patience for delays. Training Certificates; know where they are when you need them!

June 5, 2021

Employee Evaluations

How are your Employees Performing over a set period? The New Internal Master category for Employee Evaluations for use by Supervisors & Upper Management is now Active in the drop-down list from Audits (RAP). This makes true up-to-date evaluations a breeze to prepare, and clearly displays the daily behavior & performance of your employees over a chosen time period. Plus, once an area of weakness is identified you can add corrective actions or export the information with charts as needed.

Sept 1, 2021

HSE Meetings PRO & Quick Classes

These two new features released allow an advance level of HSE Meeting with scheduled documents throughout the year. Decide in advance what you need to cover for the month, quarter, or year, and schedule those documents to be available as pdf or electronic format, by date. Never miss an HSE topic again. Our Quick Classes deliverable in person, via Trainer, or online to large groups, means those Training topics can be quickly and easily covered, with names and signatures automatically uploaded and saved in the System. Making it a breeze to cross reference any type of training, facility or employee to see if they are up to date, and compliant.

May 9, 2022

Schedule Training

Introduction of Schedule Training features, giving supervisors the ability to take control of their yearly training by scheduling courses in advance. Available for in-house or 3rd Party, automatically notify employees via email for up-coming training scheduled with target dates assigned for completion, plus a second email automatically sent to Instructors or Supervisors alerting them when the training is completed.There are two different options available to create and manage Schedule Training Groups; via the Schedule Training Component or using the Training Matrices. The Schedule Training Matrix shows the status of all employees and whether they are on track with their assigned courses.

Nov 30, 2022

Introducing: MY LOCSTATT

We’re really excited to be introducing one of the most powerful new components carefully integrated with the entire Locstatt System, called My Locstatt.
This impressive new tool, developed with the individual User in mind, is for you to review and manage all your own activity within Locstatt. Not only can you see your daily performance with every module you have access to, but you can also review important communication like Training expiration dates, and/or “Pending Action Items”, waiting to be closed etc.

Aug 28, 2023

New Employee Recognition Program

Recognizing people who meet or exceed safety expectations helps your workforce see that they are valued. It also helps them understand that their Company not only values them as an individual, but also values their contribution towards the safety & success of their whole team.
The Locstatt Employee Recognition Program combined with all the HSE Modules promotes safer behavior, better engagement in the field, and helps reduce your risk in all areas. Learn more…
